Become a Member
Who are the members?
The Institute of Sound Management counts among its members public and private managers, students, teachers, consultants, and every person interested in the Sound Management concept and its application. The Institute of Sound Management is not a professional association, and it doesn’t issue any professional or corporate title.
Why become a member ?
First, to show your support to an organization interested in promoting a structured Sound Management approach towards public and private organizations. Second, to build a discussion network and to offer practical solutions to the managers’ loss of control. Finally, to take advantage of the management tools offered by the ISM to all of its members, as well as of the training courses at discounted prices.
Members’ benefits
- Training sessions and publications offered at discounted prices
- The Sound Management canvas – free
- The terminology table – free
- Your presence in the list of the Sound Management consultants
Individual membershipAnnual membership fees: 100 $1 Membership eligibility criteria: The admission as an individual member is based on the following criteria: professionalism, integrity, and adequate knowledge of the Sound Management concept. In order to be admitted, the candidate must meet one of the following 2 requirements:
Corporate membershipAnnual membership fees: 500 $1 Membership eligibility criteria: Generally speaking, the admission as a corporate or institutional member is based on an organization’s public commitment to align with the Sound Management concept. The admission is based on the approval granted by the ISM’s Board of Directors after it was proved that the values and the integrated concept of Sound Management had been spread and applied. Some examples: