Registration – individual member

As a member of the Institute of Sound Management, you may show your support for an organization interested in promoting a structured Sound Management approach towards public and private organizations. Moreover, the registration offers many benefits, such as management tools that the ISM will regularly offer to its members.

To apply for membership, please fill in the following form. It will be analysed and processed during the following fifteen business days. We shall contact you to confirm your registration so that you be able to pay your annual membership fees by check or PayPal.

Personal information

Eligibility criteria *

1- Are you already a member of one of the 45 professional orders in Quebec? If your answer is YES, please indicate which ones they are.

2 - Did you attend some certified training courses related to Sound Management or are you committed to attend some in the ninety days following your admission?

3 - Do you have, at least, a five-year working experience in this field or are you currently studying at an university business school?

Acceptance and security code

Prefered method of contact *:

* required fields